

Quarantine Beach is one of those bands that really has charisma and showcases that within their instrumental work and connection within the lyrical work. The vocals are all really transcending and connect well together. Their band dynamic resonates to one of a great band that understands each other’s talents.

“As if I Didn’t Know” is a song about understanding the world and trying to make sense of the moments that feel out of your control. This song really speaks to the strength that comes with trying to push out other people’s opinions to understand your own. This song is also just as much about friendship as it is about understanding your place in the world.

Quarantine Beach really showcases their unique talent through a broad range of instrumental work and connection deeper than music can bring. The guitar arrangements really enter into the song in a way that feels intentional, as do the drum solos.

The connection between the production elements and the vocals is strong and helps bring this song to a stronger level. This is especially true when the bridge comes and the guitar solo elevates the moments of disarray in the lyrical journey. Really incredible work from start to finish and a fun listen for anyone who gives it a chance.




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