“Now You Know“ by Lex Bucha

“Now You Know” by Dublin based singer-songwriter Lex Bucha is a narrative driven, electronic pop ballad that explores the bittersweet feelings that come with seeing an ex out in public. Bucha’s passionate vocal performance is backed by rippling synths, ambient textures and backing vocals, and melancholy piano. All of these elements craft a captivating landscape that provides the perfect setting for a song of this nature. Bucha effortlessly balances the pain and longing of the past with the acceptance and peace of the present, showing the duality that is always present in moving on. 

The beginning of the song describes Bucha seeing his ex out in public one day. He notices that she looks well, and that her dress is pretty, but tries not to become invested in her beyond that, singing “if history has taught me anything, it’s not to get my hopes up that anything has changed.” We all know that feeling of thinking an ex has changed for us, and the disappointment of realizing that they never truly will. Bucha is finding the resolve within himself to not fall victim to this cycle, trying to remember that the life he has now is the whole reason he wanted to move on in the first place.  

The line “I found safety, I found a home, I found the kind of love that you could never show” is a beautiful reminder of the good that can be born out of heartbreak. Without the pain of this relationship ending, he never would have found the comfort of this new life.





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