Artist Interview: “Happy Ending, Cannot See” by Sloe Learner

Q: This is your first single that is so exciting, we know you have been writing music for years but how does it feel to finally release some music?

SLOE LEARNER: In short, amazing and terrifying at the same time. It’s been a journey for me from first picking up a bass guitar half a lifetime ago to feeing confident enough in myself and my music to share it with the public today. While my career and this track are both in their public-facing infancy, it’s been a trip seeing listeners come in from all over the world to check out Happy Ending, Cannot See. I feel very fortunate to have been encouraged by my great group of supportive friends to take this step.

Q: What is the story behind your artist name?

SLOE LEARNER: I’ve always picked most things up pretty quickly (at least intellectual pursuits). Music, my great love, however, has been a tougher nut to crack. It’s taken years of gradual growth to get me where I am today (and I still have a long way to go). I wanted an artist name that recognized the struggle I’ve gone through, the constant attempts at improvement that sometimes feel like they’re going nowhere. That’s how the idea came about for slow learner. I think it accurately captures my self conception when it comes to music. I changed the spelling to “Sloe Learner” as a nod to Sloe Gin and for SEO purposes.

Q: How would you describe your music in your own words?

SLOE LEARNER: Music’s no good to me if it doesn’t make me feel something, let’s get that out of the way right off the bat. I use my music to help process what’s going on around me, both on a personal level and in the world at large. For example, Happy Ending, Cannot See was written as a response to a particularly bad breakup I went through a couple of years ago. I always strive to find truth in my lyrics whether the story is personal or fictional.

Musically my stuff tends to sit pretty comfortably in the indie rock genre, although I do like incorporating elements from other genres as well. Big, anthemic, and epic are all words I love hearing to describe it and melody will always be king.

Q: Would you like to collaborate with anyone? If so who and why?

SLOE LEARNER: I’m kind of low key obsessed with a fellow L.A. artist named Petey. I heard his track Pitch a Fit last year and was instantly hooked. There’s a great element of nostalgia to his work and emotionally it might as well be an open wound. That started a deep dive into his limited catalog. He’s done some good collaborations with other groups/artists so fingers crossed he reads this somehow. Hit me up Petey!

Q: Do you have any live performances we can catch you at soon? 

SLOE LEARNER: Unfortunately, none at the moment. I’m in the process of putting together a band to help bring this track and others to life live. Keep an eye out for future updates on my IG and Spotify.

Q: What can we expect from you next?

SLOE LEARNER: I have ~30 songs I’ve self recorded that I’m looking to get into the studio and polish up. I’d love to put one of those out when it’s ready. Alternately, I’ve started reaching out to other artists and might have a collab or two in the works sometime soon. Either way, you can definitely expect some more new music from me sometime this year.

Interviewed by Stephanie Pankewich




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