
Artist Interview: “Deceive Me” by Carly Bruno

Q: I love the harmonious texture of “Deceive Me.” What is the creative process behind the song?

CARLY BRUNO: Thank you so much! I wrote the whole song almost all in one sitting. I wrote it on my guitar by strumming and singing the melody and words that came to me at the moment after a situation that made me feel angry and unheard. I later went on to my DAW to produce and add many harmonies, backup, and decorative vocals. It’s a song I worked on and had fun with for a while!

Q: How has the song turned out compared to the initial idea you had?

BRUNO: It turned out a bit different as I wrote it on my guitar and then didn’t play my guitar on this song at all. I wanted to produce it with a hauntingly powerful bassline and vibe. It’s something that was really fun to do and I kept adding more layers and tracks of vocals and various instrumentals. I’d play a catchy melody in Garageband on a digital piano and manipulate the sound and ultimately create a full song with many details.

Q: What is the song about?

BRUNO: The song is about manipulative and narcissistic people and how they are different behind closed doors than they are public. (The cover art is meant to represent this.) It’s also about setting boundaries and no longer letting them take advantage of you.

Q: Can you tell us more about you as a musician?

BRUNO: I’ve been singing almost my entire life. Singing and songwriting have been a personal outlet of self-expression of feelings and situations ranging from deep sorrow, anger, and hurt to hope and happiness. I studied Vocal Performance in a performing arts middle and high school and studied Theatre and Musical Theatre in college. I have been in voice lessons for over 10 years, taught myself to play the guitar, and learned the piano in school. I have always been able to create songs or parts of songs easily from freestyling and going back later to fix or add anything if needed. In the past, I would create lyrics at random times and then forget them, and finally started writing them down. I always gravitated towards music with profound lyrics and poetry. I also truly enjoy fun songs and songs from almost any genre. Lyricism can be done in such a way that can move you to tears, start a fire in you, or give you hope. I’ve experienced listening to music that has done this to me in my life and it’s what I strive for in my own music.

Q: What would you say to be your biggest accomplishment in music so far?

BRUNO: I recently was invited to play in a music festival with Sessions Live! More details to come soon!

Q: Are you currently working on something?

BRUNO: I’m currently writing more music to put with my other unreleased music for an EP. I’m also working on live performance repertoire for the music festival and other live performances. I also am working on auditions as I’m an actress too!

Interviewed by Katrina Yang





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