“Wheels Stop” by Eddie Cohn is an invigorating track that blends grungy rock and modern pop in a satisfying way, showcasing Cohn’s unique artistic vision that you can’t find anywhere else. Cohn, a versatile artist based in Los Angeles, was inspired to make “Wheels Stop” after reflecting on how difficult it can be to cultivate joy in your life when negative relationships may be holding you back. Leaving behind a friend, partner, or even family member that is hurting your life is never easy, but sometimes, it just has to be done. Cohn looks at all of the complex feelings that come with that, offering catharsis and comfort for anyone who may be going through a similar situation.
Heavy, chaotic drums and riveting electric guitars provide soaring choruses as sparser verses add intimacy to the story and help craft a dynamic journey through “Wheels Stop.” The bridge has only acoustic guitars lightly strumming at first, then begins to build and slide into the energetic final chorus in an immensely rewarding way. Lyrics like “I’d be happier if my thoughts went away” and “will you stop messing around with my head” tell us just how distraught Cohn is, begging for this other person to just leave him alone.
Even though we can share such joy and love with someone, that doesn’t mean that they are ultimately good for us. The belted and gritty vocal performance clearly displays Cohn’s emotion, revealing how deeply he has been hurt. As part of a six song EP, “Wheels Stop” is the perfect introduction to Cohn’s sound that leaves you wanting more.
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