“The Novice” by Peploe

‘The Novice’ is the latest music video and single from the indie Synth Pop duo Peploe. The duo is comprised of the Swedish Arvid Rongedal and Brit Gabrielle Thomas. Peploe make for quite the eclectic pairing, each bringing forth their own set of unique skills to the table in this collaboration. Rongedal has experience in production and both live and electronic sound. He also plays drums and various other instruments. While Thomas’ background and experience is in singing, songwriting, and storytelling, particularly in gospel and soul. Her singing and songwriting began as a hobby and a way to deal with emotions. Thomas soon found herself taking the craft seriously as she wound up studying it in London.

Peploes’ ‘The Novice’ feels like a complete shot of adrenaline, with it’s bolt of chaotic and fun energy. The equally wild and delirious music video features the band at a party having a raucous good time, as they shall you say try on many different faces that night. The sputtering and staccato electro pop beat set against Thomas softer vocals, create a lovely synergy. Peploe expertly harness a energy that’s bursting at the seams to create an infectious and left of center pop gem.


Written by Brittney Williams