Artist Interview: “Burning Fire EP” by Camino

Q: Burning Fire EP is truly a testament to your perseverance and determination as an artist. You moved to Atlanta to pursue a career in music and endured homelessness for nearly a year. Then, you found yourself working with Akon and landing a record deal, only to lose it due to a regime change. But you kept going and found a home at Def Jam Records. Now with Burning Fire EP released, how does it feel to have is your music finally out in the world? What do you hope listeners takeaway from hearing these songs?

CAMINO: It’s the greatest feeling in the world. That’s why I make music to share it with the world. I couldn’t be more excited and blessed and happy. GOD IS THE GREATEST! I hope people find healing and love these songs and just jam over and over again.

Q: The title track, “Burning Fire”, is a soulful and emotional tribute to your Aunt and Uncle’s marriage of 65 years, after she passed away. Has your Uncle heard the song and if so, what was his reaction?

CAMINO: Yes! He did hear it! Which was such a huge blessing because he passed soon after hearing it. He gave me his blessing and loved it. I couldn’t be happier with his reaction.


Q: As a songwriter, where do you draw inspiration from? Do you prefer writing from the perspective of other people? What do you learn from writing from another person’s point of view?

CAMINO: I draw my inspiration from things that happen to me and real life situations.

I’m an emotional person haha! I’m a big baby, so I bottle emotions and release them in my music. Writing from someone’s else’s prospective is hard because at that point your assuming and that’s risky but if you do it right and they love it then it’s a big win because you learn how they actually feel and are able to maybe make changes depending on what you learn. writing is not easy for me because I write form such a passionate place.


Q: Which track was the hardest for you to make and why?

CAMINO: Believe it or not “home” because I was in a dark dark place after leaving my last label and the death of my best friend. I had to find the love to make music again and the drive to want to keep doing this. but after many, many weeks I finally got the song where I wanted it and it healed me and I truly believe that.

Q: Originally, you entered the music industry wanting to pursue a career in rap. Why did you decide to pivot to singing? Which rappers have influenced your style?

CAMINO: Because I was much better at singing then I could ever be at rapping haha! I was a massive fan of Lil Wayne and wanted to be like him. His charisma and wordplay was and still is insane.. the Goat for real.


Q: How has your hometown of Jackson, Mississippi shaped you as an artist? Do you try to represent your hometown through your art?

CAMINO: Yes I do! Mississippi changed me and shaped me because you gotta grow up fast at a young age there. there’s not a lot of opportunity for musicians there and you gotta really learn how to do it all yourself before you ever move or go anywhere else in the world. That’s a lot of the reason I’m so self-sufficient in writing and making these records because I worked in the worst conditions.


Q: If you could have a conversation with your younger self before he moved to Atlanta to pursue a music career, what would you say to him and how do you think he’d react to seeing where you are now?

CAMINO: He would love it because I always knew I would get here. I had and still have irrational belief in myself. I would tell him keep going trust the process keep praying and work hard, it’s coming and it’s gonna happen. STAY FOCUSED!

Interviewed by Brynn Hinnant