Artist Interview: “Honeymoon” by Ophelia’s Eden

Q: You’re a musician, producer, and sound engineer. Tell us how you started your journey.

OPHELIA’S EDEN: I feel I’ve always been a musician and performer, even in my earliest memories. I started recording my own music when I was around 16. It was pretty basic, I used the laptop mic and would use the laptop keyboard to play in midi sounds. After I upgraded to a mic, my song was featured on BBC Radio 2. I started taking myself more seriously and worked hard to develop my skills when I saw how expensive it was to book into a local studio.

Flash forward 3 years, and I own my own studio, CellarBlue. I’ve spent days upon days in the lockdowns practicing sound design, and mixing skills over the past year. I’ve started to see my hard work pay off and I’m feeling satisfied with my works, which is very fulfilling! 

Q: Can you share one highlight of your musical career?

OPHELIA’S EDEN: Under my name Ciara Gayer, I’ve played at some amazing venues with some incredible musicians- Ronnie Scott’s, Royal Albert for a Ted X conference in London and my music has been played on BBC Radio 2, BBC Sussex Radio, and Morning TV News. 

However, I think releasing Red Eyes, my debut single as ‘Ophelia’s Eden’, is the first step on my new journey which really excites me. This is my personal highlight so far 🙂 


Q: Do you have a favorite part of the creative process?

OPHELIA’S EDEN: Absolutely, I love coming up with new melodies. But my favorite part of the experience is when that melody develops into a song. I love adding textures around this melody to capture the emotions of the song and for these instruments to be a part of the story and journey the song is taking the listener on. 


Q: Your influences cover a range of genres and eras- from George Gershwin to Quincy Jones, Billie Holiday, and Bonobo. How do you weave these influences into your music?

OPHELIA’S EDEN: George Gershwin wrote some of the best songs I think have ever been sung and composed some incredible string arrangements. Quincy Jones is the ultimate don of soundtracks and I try to design my horns to have this crunchy rasp that Jones records. I think Billie’s voice is soul melting! And I grew up through most of my teenage period (before I was got really obsessed with vintage classical and jazz), listening to Bonobo. He also combines classical with electronic music and I think he is a fantastic producer. These are some artists that I really admire and aspire to have the same authenticity as they do! 

Q: What can fans expect next from Ophelia’s Eden?

OPHELIA’S EDEN: Lots and lots of new music! I have 3 more singles coming out this summer! Followed by a mixtape with all the music I will have released this year, as well as some bonus tracks. And I’ve also been working on a very chill jazz EP, and an electronica EP. 

The beauty in recording and mixing all of my own music is that it’s basically unlimited! I have so much music and inspiration to create every day that I have so many songs! I naturally explore different genres, so I like to organise the songs into EPs & Mixtapes. Definitely keep your eyes peeled on my socials for the new music and videos.

I’m also looking forward to putting a band together and go out and perform again this summer. I’ve really missed performing in public!

Interviewed by Sarah Scott



