Artist Interview: “Magic” by Nick Reeve

Q: Did any particular event inspire “Magic?”

NICK: The inspiration was more a build up of feelings about being open to letting magic in. Magic is that feeling that lifts you, motivates you and gives each day an added brightness. I think everyone has been in a situation where they know they are not fulfilling their heart’s desire and really need to move on and release yourself. If anything, the last year has taught us how quickly and unexpectedly things can change, so maybe the deeper lesson is that we should not waste our time but always listen and respond to our heart’s desire.

Q: You self directed and filmed the music video for “Magic” in your garage. What is the biggest lesson you learned from this experience?

NICK: This video was filmed in lockdown on my phone in my dad’s garage and the woodlands behind our family house. My dad had a knee replacement during lockdown in Feb and I moved back in to help him during his recovery. I knew I wanted to make video for Magic and one day I was working-out in dad’s garage and saw how the sunlight cinematically landed on a very plain plastered wall. I did a few test shots (on my phone) and thought ‘I can do this’. I realized I could deliver the song in a simple and authentic way hopefully demonstrating my drive, sincerity and fun! So I guess I learnt that with very limited resources and a moment of madness/inspiration it was possible create an effective visual to go with Magic.


Q: Do any visual components of the music video echo the lyrical and musical themes in “Magic?” If so, how?

NICK: I guess it’s more of an emotional echo – I tried not to be too literal – but threw in some things that may be overlooked as ‘magical’ – ie blue skies, daffodils, blowing bubbles… these all give me a beautiful feeling!


Q: How did you keep yourself artistically motivated during the pandemic?

NICK: As soon as I realized that all my gigs were cancelled, I quickly switched to live stream shows on FB and other platforms. It was an amazing experience performing virtually in my small basement studio to people all around the country and even further afield. It quickly became apparent how much this brought people together and helped us all stay connected. I performed live streams at least once a week from April 2020 until May 2021 and now thankfully I am starting to perform in front of actual humans again, and it feels GREAT! Throughout the pandemic I threw myself into writing and also collaborating virtually with musicians and producers, this is how Magic came about. Thank goodness for the digital realm!

Q: Is there a specific message you hope listeners will receive from “Magic?”

NICK: Listen to your heart and follow it’s desire!
Love Nick x

Interviewed by Sarah Scott

