Artist Interview: London Baby by Andrei Lucas

Q: “London Baby” is such a fun song with a great groove! How and when did the song originate?

ANDREI LUCAS: Summer of 2019 was a very odd one full of ups and downs, but in September I was working on some ideas which seemed to have something interesting about them. At the same time I was watching the show Pose, and the urban storyline about life in New York in the 80’s had a very strong impact on me. That was when I felt that telling an urban story of which I belong to would be something quite intimate and at the same time quite relatable. That’s when London Baby started. After that I showed a demo to Andrei Sora, London producer who I’ve been working with and things went further from there.

Q: What made you want to create a 4 part music video story?

ANDREI LUCAS: As the EP Paradise Passe is a story about me and my journey in life, creating a 4 part music video story felt logical in order for the audience to have a better understanding of who I am as a songwriter. They all tell a different story, but they all portray a journey from vulnerability to emancipation.

Q: What is the most unexpected challenge you have faced as an artist?

ANDREI LUCAS: I think that as an artist one faces many challenges, but it’s a calling you have to accept. It’s not always a choice. I like to believe that sacrifices that artists make pay off at some point in their career and brick by brick every artists builds their own empire.

Q: You’ve overcome a lot of challenges and hardships at such a young age. Is there anything you hope fans can take away from your music?

ANDREI LUCASI would like to think that my listeners identify with my lyrics and journey and hopefully we can grow and evolve together.

Q: You are about to release an EP. Can you tell us more about this project and anything else fans should look out for?

ANDREI LUCASParadise Passe is the debut EP I’ve been working on during the pandemic/quarantine. It portrays a personal journey that aims to be a universal story about a young person heading towards adulthood and letting go of their past, their insecurities, and the pain that comes with growing up into an adult. The songs tell stories that are about painful experiences, about love, about emancipation, and basically, they all include the process of becoming an adult.

Interviewed by Sarah Scott


