Artist Interview: “Good Day Bad Trip” by Gemma Rogers

Q: Your first single off your EP is so fun! What inspired you to write “Good Day Bad Trip”?


GEMMA ROGERS: Hi Rising artists… Very glad you like GDBT. It was one of the first tracks we wrote during the recording of the album – it was inspired by a brilliant night out that didn’t last very long being brilliant. It was also then set in the world pre pandemic but post Brexit. 



Q: Walk us through your writing and production process in making “Good Day Bad Trip”.


GEMMA: Sean Genockey – brilliant guitarist, excellent sound man and a producer on the album came up with the riff and the ‘emergency’ sample. He played it to me & Alfie (Jackson) on day one of our studio week and that was that. Alfie and I then backed and forthed lyric ideas and melodies -which normally consists of us talking a lot of bollocks and singing loads of different things until something sticks – until we settled on the chorus which we then felt needed to be contrasted with a darker verse. I’m all about the shades. 

Q: We love your songwriting! What first got you into music?

GEMMA: Nice one. Both my parents are musicians so I guess it’s always been around me. But I was more into partying to music than I was making it though until my 20s, when I moved into a house full of very talented players (guitarists, pianists, bassists, a bassoonist…) who put sound to the stories I was writing. That then pushed me -pretty organically, into songwriting. 

Q: What has been one of the highlights of your music career so far?

GEMMA: Getting into the studio and recording the album. There’s been loads of gigs and excellent experiences that have come from it all but having my tracks pressed onto Vinyl is the exclamation mark  at the end of an already nuff satisfying paragraph. 

Q: What has been, so far, your favorite song to perform and why?

GEMMA: Tell you after August 19th! I’ll be playing songs off the new album for the first time at The Amersham Arms with a full band so have no idea yet what the response will be like.  Before then though I’ve got a song about rum that always goes down a treat. Especially when I’ve got a bottle of Mount Gay and there are loads of thirsty folk in the audience. 

Q: What can we expect from you next?

GEMMA: My second single and another b side will be out on September 10th.

Find tickets to Gemma Roger’s show at Amersham Arms on August 19th Here ——-> TICKETS

Interviewed by Stephanie Pankewich



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