Artist Interview: “Duality” by Martin Strang

Q: We here at Rising Artists have loved having heard your album ‘Duality’ and my favorite personal favorite is ‘Table for Two’. Tell us more about this album and who you are!

MARTIN STRANG: Hi, thanks for having me! Duality is my first full length album in which I composed all music, lyrics, arrangements. I also sing and play all the guitars, bass, keyboards. I’m a multi instrumentalist and this album pretends to showcase my skills as a producer.

The post production of the album has been done in the UK in world class studio environments with talented sound engineers like Julian Lowe (Janet Jackson, Robbie Williams) Beau Vallis (Grammy Nominee Lil’ Wayne, KateRowland) and Chris Peden (Katsu Studios)
My goal is to deliver an immersive experience through sound. The album features 10 songs, or 10 stories as I like to mention.


Q: Why is this album named ‘Duality’ and what is your favorite song from it?

MARTIN: Duality rises as the realization of seeing myself living two lives. One side is for the entrepreneur, the digital marketing expert and professor. I have a Master in Business Administration and teach the subject at a prestigious university.
In the other hand, I’m a professional musician since I was a teenager. Getting paid for gigs, playing with bands, you name it. With “Duality” I decided to jump into my artistic side with the same professionalism I conduct my Marketing career instead of treating it like a side job.

My favorite song in the album is probably “Today” it’s a very intimate song about dealing with chronic pain hoping for relief in the bad days.

Q: What first got you into music?

MARTIN: I have such a vivid memory about it you know? I was 7 years old and while watching music videos I was looking at an iconic Argentinian band called “Soda Stereo” and their frontman Gustavo Cerati playing the guitar. That’s when I said, this is what I want to do when I grow up. Being a rockstar sounded like the best idea ever!


Q: You studied at Berklee School of Music, tell us about that experience and how it influenced your career and direction as a musician?

MARTIN: Well actually when I was at the university I didn’t go for a music degree because I guess I wanted a less risky profession. But several years later and somehow, established in my career I decided to get into Berklee Online and keep growing my skills for this album.
You see, I’ve been training for decades into several music areas to be able to compose and produce an album like “Duality” in DIY Mode. It was all part of my plan lol.

In Berklee I got two specializations. Contemporary Music and Music Business.

Q: If you didn’t become a musician/songwriter/producer, what would you be doing right now and why?

MARTIN: Probably the same things I do nowadays, only in a very boring fashion… The thing is that I just can’t imagine my life without making music. I have a very creative personality that requires a channel for expression.


Q: What is coming up next for you?

MARTIN: Keep pushing “Duality” first, I want people to take the time and listen. Then I will keep working in new material and networking with other artists to release features and other cool projects.

I really want to meet new exciting bands and produce them as well. So many things I want to do, so little time.


Interviewed by Stephanie Pankewich




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