“Suck It Up” by Edward Sansom

Q: I love the this dark and complex song, who are your main influences?

EDWARD SANSOM: I’ve always loved Gaz Coombes’ melodies. I guess if I was to tell you what I have recently been listening to on Spotify then it would be; foals, everything everything, the pale white, radiohead, arctic monkeys…. Black Honey, martha gunn… yonaka. The list goes on.

Q: When and why did you start playing?

EDWARD SANSOM:  I realized I could get people to look and listen to me when I picked up the guitar. I could say something I wanted to say through a melody that I didn’t know how to say in words

Q: This is your first single of 2021. Why this song?

EDWARD SANSOM: Why not…. I felt this song could be a powerful opener to what is to come. Do you concur

Q: What are your plans for any future releases?

EDWARD SANSOM: Very excited to be releasing another 3 tracks after this one. I will be getting them out before the end of the year! In the meantime you can check out the music video for Suck it up on YouTube! Lots of bad acting going on.

Q: What are your ambitions as a songwriter and musician from here?

EDWARD SANSOMHonestly, to make a living off music as a songwriter is a dream I have had since I was small. My close ambitions are to get gigging again and support some wicked bands and hope to gain some momentum from that.

Q: What would you like to tell your supporters out there?

EDWARD SANSOM: I appreciate you ‘following’ me and supporting my music. It makes me want to carry on. Music is a long tricky journey and I have had shit lows and some awesome moments. It’s those awesome moments that keep me wanting to keep coming back.

Interviewed by Jaye Maverick




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