“Quinceañera” by Marisol La Brava & A Flor De Piel

The original single “Quinceañera” by Marisol La Brava & A Flor de Piel asks the question, “Where does girlhood end and womanhood begin?” A quinceañera is a Latin American/Indigenous tradition where people celebrate and honor a girl on her fifteenth birthday – as she enters womanhood. Although this tradition is widely practiced, there is hardly any conversation around such a transition’s nuances and grey areas. What is it like to experience the innocence of girlhood while simultaneously being viewed by society as a woman? Marisol La Brava & A Flor De Piel answer these questions by artistically presenting truthful and important narratives highlighted with culturally rooted Native, African, and Latin American instruments. 

A family trio of wife, husband, and daughter: Marisol “La Brava” Ceron (frontwoman and vocals), Renato “Renatonatiuah” Ceron, and Sofia “La Bravita” Ceron create their album “Girlhood it’s Complicado,” putting at the fore-front the real-life experiences. “Quinceañera” has a playful tone with meaningful bilingual lyrics about parent expectations, catcalling, and creating a unique sense of self-identity. “Quinceañera” is a rare diamond representing the intersectionality of womanhood and navigating life while dealing with and understanding family and culture.

“Quinceañera Quinceañera went to bed a child, woke up a mujer…. Quinceañera Quinceañera I want to be myself instead.” 

The Mexican and Chicago-based band was founded in 2007 and has become a dynamic, multi-instrumentalist, and cross-genre musical group. From Cumbia, Son Jorocho, Mariachi to Punk Rock and Lo-Fi Hip Hop, Marisol La Brava and A Flor de Piel do it all with an added flare. So make sure to check out their music!

Reviewed by Abeni Moreno



