“Bullets” by Chasing Shadows

On “Bullets”, North Wales-based band Chasing Shadows newest release, energy is undeniable and defines the bands sound. High emotion in the lyrics compliments the guitars and percussion well without losing the core groove. Plus the band performed the song phenomenally – you can hear the passion that went into making it.

The versatile rhythm section supports the vocals phenomenally. I loved the way the band utilized dynamics, one second the texture is thin and the next the whole band would be playing. It supported the lyrics and helped drive their message home. Every new groove felt new and exciting. From the atmospheric synths hidden in the chorus to the splashy drums, everything settled into the groove set by the whole band.

Vocals felt light, and floated over the oftentimes thick texture, never struggling to be heard. Not only were they supported, but even when a cappella they were confident and powerful. Paired with cool lyrics, they fit the vibe perfectly. Additionally, great mixing on the song helped everything stand out as well as it did. You can hear every instrument, yet they meld together seamlessly. It helped elevate and enhance the band’s performance.

From the minute the electric guitar opened the song through the conversational verses, everything going on was catchy and cool. Chorus’ flipped into falsetto with ease, while the rhythm section played familiar riffs. Even hours after hearing it I’d find myself humming along. All of this paired with a phenomenal performance by Chasing Shadows makes “Bullets” very memorable.

“Bullets” by Chasing Shadows can be found on any major streaming service.


Written by Tyler Roberts




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