“Modern Day Romance” by Cxl Mxck

Twenty one year old solo artist Cxl Mxck is making enormous waves and bursting onto the punk scene. The alternative solo artist is from a tiny town in Cheshire, UK called Winsford and this is where his musical journey began just last year in October 2020. He started with releasing, what are now his two biggest hits, “I Can’t Breathe” ft JDMH and “Mushroom Treatment” and from there his creativity just skyrocketed.

According to Cxl Mxck, his latest track “Modern Day Romance” takes the best parts of all of his previous work. He’s never afraid to mix genres and his sound develops differently with every song he produces. “Modern Day Romance” has the catchiness of “Mushroom Treatment” but also has the piercing punk aspects of his release “Rucksack”.

You can deny it all you want but one night stands and casual sex can be fun, they are a unique experience you get with a person. “Modern Day Romance” is about…well….a modern day romance, the thrill of not committing and just having sex for the hell of it without caring what people think about your “promiscuity”.

Cxl Mxck absolutely killed it with capturing the punk vibe, although the song was just released yesterday, once you listen to it you will feel like you’ve known this song since the early 2000s. The vocals mixed with that dirty/distorted guitar and relatable lyrics is what makes this song perfect. Cxl Mxck has plenty of amazing songs that you can rock out to and “Modern Day Romance” won’t be the last.

 “I wanted to write a punk song with a bit of cheekiness, I’m very open about sex and casual sex really. Modern Day Romance really is what it says on the tin, a generation of one night stands and relentless nights.” – Cxl Mxck

Written by Jaye Maverick

Photo Credits: JDMH




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