“A Fruitful Tenure” by Step Into the Kitchen

“A Fruitful Tenure” by Step Into the Kitchen immediately plunges into you into a surreal soundscape composed of ethereal, experimental grooves that create an almost tropical vibe, combining trip-hop and funk elements. “A Fruitful Tenure” was released on April 5th, 2022, and preceded by an EP and another single, “A Very Different Dessert,” from Step Into the Kitchen. All of these tracks have been released in 2022, making for a prolific release schedule for the group.

“A Fruitful Tenure” definitely could be described as something people on Mars would listen to, calling to mind hyperpop acts like Grimes but with a much chiller, slower groove. In the words of the band’s Spotify bio, the planet this music comes from is “hazy” and “dank” with inhabitants that “slither and wriggle, twisting alien instruments in obscene ways.” Certainly an excellent description of the band’s energy!

The song lacks many lyrics, composed entirely of “oohs,” “heys,” and other sounds. Rather than words, synths and even a tambourine take center stage. At around the 2-minute mark the almost haunting melody shifts into something a little quicker and more upbeat beat. The album art matches the vibe of the song perfectly, made up of an unusual kaleidoscope of blues, oranges, and yellows.

Though the song is filled with experimental, trippy sounds, it’s euphoric vibes and soft quality make it easy-listening soft rock to get lost in. There’s also a music video available for this track; in the words of Bryan Bruchman, the video shows “a spaghetti space western, thru a sepia-toned kaleidoscope world of the in-between.”

We here at Rising Artists are definitely looking forward to more releases from Step Into the Kitchen!



