“You. Possibly” by Lazy Sunsets

Transforming stories to memorable melodies and catchy lyricism, Lazy Sunsets has released their new single “You. Possibly,” out everywhere now. Lazy Sunsets was created by Australian singer Pete Stepheson who describes his music as “if your Gen X dad wrote songs but they still sound modern.” It feels like that does come across in the Lazy Sunsets sound, as they draw influence from earlier decades of music like the 70s, 80s, and 90s while also talking about more modern topics.

Stephenson has worked on multiple projects alongside producer Kara Greskovic who specializes in more of a dark pop sound. These two collaborating allows for that unique influence of modern grudge to be weaved into a more retro feel.

“You. Possibly” opens with a bass line that has a nice bite to it, and the vocals are fun and full of sass. With all the band’s influences in mind, it also has this early 2000s grit to it – similar to an Avril Lavigne rocker track.

Lyrically, the song spotlights a carefree and confident woman. She learns to not let her ex set the standard. “I need something better than I got / it doesn’t take much to see / I’m worth more than an afterthought / I get it, whatever / it’s just me.”

Overall, the rebellious track is able to be experimental in both lyrics and instrumentals while still creating a song that feels familiar and universal. It is pretty impressive that a song written on Stephenson’s 20+ old piano is able to transform into a fully produced rocker track. So be sure to check out Lazy Sunsets and their song “You. Possibly,” out now!

Written by Katie Power



