“Waiting For The World To Turn” is an eclectic, yet cohesive album from Northampton based singer-songwriter Maddox Jones. These songs range from slow, introspective ballads to upbeat, experimental tracks, building on the indie rock genre with elements of pop and soul to create a unique blend of sounds that showcase the unique and creative artistry of Maddox Jones. Jones tells a beautiful mix of stories in this album, displaying honest and relatable emotions like nostalgia and loneliness through poignant lyrics and passionate vocals.
The opening track, “One Minute” is sentimental and sweet, beautifully balancing nostalgia with being present. Jones wishes to have just one more minute with a person that used to be in his life. He sings “one minute you were in my arms, next minute you’re a photograph,” showing how quickly someone important to you can become a mere memory. Even if a relationship is not meant to last, and you can accept that in the present, it can still be nice to look back at all of the romantic moments you experienced and appreciate the way they shaped your life. Just because someone is not in your life anymore doesn’t mean they aren’t still impacting it, and Jones recognizes that in this track. Catchy bass and interesting production moments, like echoing vocal chops, add to this emotional landscape.
The title track, which closes the album, is another one that balances conflicting emotions. Jones recognizes that you can’t always be in control, that ups and downs are inevitable. But, the world will keep on turning, and that means eventually it will turn in your favor.
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