“Craving” by Ian Roland is an indie folk track that tells the story of craving a bittersweet love. Roland, a talented singer-songwriter with an aptitude for crafting compelling narratives over an americana style of production, draws on details from his childhood to merge a naive innocence with the grown-up realities of love. He includes a reference to Crystal Park, a place where he formed fond childhood memories with his sisters while growing up in London. The line “carved our names inside a heart on my favorite tree in Crystal Park” shows how the meaning of a place can change throughout the years, just like love itself changes over time.
It seems that Roland is experiencing a love that might not be ultimately good for him, but certainly uplifts him a lot of the time. No matter what exactly is going on in the relationship, he finds himself “still craving” the feeling of being with this other person. The chorus sings “love goes on and on,” an impactful representation of the enduring quality of romantic feelings. The line “a final note resolves, and we’re still craving” represents the theme of the song perfectly- no matter what supposed “end” comes to the situation, the craving continues.
Sweet, melodic guitars offer pretty, plucked melodies in the verses to add an air of intimacy behind the lyrics. In the chorus, they begin to strum, heightening the energy along with the swaying beat and thrumming bass. After the second chorus, the track launches into the bridge with layered “oooos” and unexpected minor chords. This tension in the production mirrors the desperate, meandering melodies that sing about constantly craving this love.
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