East Coast indie artist Eitan Perlin’s musical journey has largely flown under the radar, but its sentimental weight truly speaks for itself as we dive into the background of his Freshman release “E=MP2.” Growing up in a household where his father impressed upon him a love of writing music, a life-long passion for Eitan began. Years later in homage to this experience, he took it upon himself to record a series of his father’s favorite creations under the appropriate moniker PerlinSing, and give them a home through his own voice. Headlining the record, the single “Child” shines as a marquee representation of the soul of this project. The track being remembered as one of Perlin’s favorites from his father’s repertoire as a child, the deep personal connection with the material shines through in the artist’s delivery with every verse.
The piece begins with a quick strummed acoustic guitar introduction, and we are immediately thrown into the world of this music. Growing in resonance as the chords progress, Perlin quickly begins the narrative of the music with the opening line “When you were very young, I thought I could overcome the dangers in this world. Arms around you tight, but children must learn on their own.”
Disarming, comforting, and an existential reflection of the way the love we find in our own lives comes full circle, the music proves its merit not only as a nostalgic family project, but an embodiment of the purest reasons we feel the need to create art.
Written by Nick Gumas