
“Illogical” by St. Buryan

“Illogical” by St. Buryan is a masterpiece of indie rock. The angsty, powerful vocals and crisp guitar work are reminiscent of many of the pop-rock acts of the last 20 years, but St. Buryan breathes new life into the genre. Through brilliant feats of songwriting and distinctive vocal tones, this five-piece band solidifies its sound as original, enjoyable, and effortlessly cool. If you’re into contemporary rock, you’ll be delighted–but truly, any music-lover will appreciate the genius that is “Illogical.”

The song begins with a recitation of the hook over an unassuming bass line and a bright shaker. Within seconds, the electric guitar takes over, strumming through a series of rhythmic motifs. The textures continuously build–drums, harmonies, and warbling effects fill the mix. The full band’s chorused, flanged sound in the intro feels sort of 90s, but as soon as the verse bubbles up, we get a tinge of influence from the 2010s (á la, The 1975). “And should I write this down? / I want you to refine us / I want you to align us,” the clear yet wonderfully moody voice of the singer intimates the theme. The melody is already incredibly memorable and easily followed.

By the time the chorus arrives, we’ve been gifted with raspy, belted vocals, tight harmonies, and diverse guitar work. All of this amplifies dynamically as the singer cries, “Why can’t this be simple?” As climactic a chorus as any, this section will just floor any potential listener. It checks off every box to give this song momentum.

Give St. Buryan some love on your choice of social media platform or streaming service! You’ll be glad you did.

Written by Alyce Lindberg



