Q: “And Introducing…..shane!!!” is an album that blends genres and delivers impactful messages. Walk us through your creative process of making this body of work.
OREAGANOMICS: We have been working several jobs. Multiple ones at a time. There’s not a swell of music about the cost of living crisis nor are solutions being brought up. This led to us getting back together to do music.
Q: Do you have a personal favorite on the album? What is it, and why?
OREAGANOMICS: “Looking at the ceiling.” Our MO has been lofi band which creates unique sounds. “Looking at the ceiling” shows we can do standard songs.
Q: Who are your biggest influences?he music that you typically create?
OREAGANOMICS: David Bowie is key to us. That said this is very much a Labi Siffre album. The whole pretty songs combined with lyrics that are factual, void of hope and sometimes silly. Honestly everyone reading this should check him out more than us.
Q: What is coming up next for you?
OREAGANOMICS: We’re already working on the next album.
Q: In your own words, how would you describe the music that you typically create?
OREAGANOMICS: We aim to make recognizable music that feels good to digest.
Q: Did any real-life events occur in your life that inspired the songs (or a specific song) on the album?
OREAGANOMICS: Honestly, every song is inspired by our lives. As we’re not a solo act so we got a lot to pull from. Hustle, hooking up, unrequited love and watching the rich getting away with crimes is life and this album is about ours.
Interviewed by Taylor Berry