New York City-based palmboy’s latest single “Sophie” is a catchy, carefree indie rock tune worthy of a drive with the windows rolled down. The rhythmic bass melody mixed with confident percussion and palmboy’s relaxed, inviting vocals create a track that will have you pressing repeat.

The tune begins on a light beat before the bass line comes in with a commanding presence. The singer’s voice is clear and conversational through the verse before showing a new, striking tone in the prechorus. The instrumentation changes to a surf rock-esque guitar rhythm for the chorus as palmboy sings “Sophie only calls me when she’s lonely”, depicting the narrative of a disappointing love affair in which the title character only calls on the singer when she has nothing better to do. Though a sad song at its heart, palmboy finds a way to tell the tale in a confident, matter-of-fact way that has you convinced Sophie will realize her mistake in the end.

Originally from Florida (as you may gather from his name), palmboy is comprised of singer, songwriter, and producer Nick Sadler. After producing music for other artists including Baby FuzZ, Lenii, and Mothica, Sadler’s palmboy is his venture into creating music of his own. With upbeat instrumentation, unforgettable hooks, and clean, thoughtful production, “Sophie” is a standout track that solidifies palmboy’s presence as the unique artist you’ve been looking for.

Written by Katrina Charles

