Artist Interview: “Alius Amina” EP by TeeshyBaby

Q: You open up a lot in your EP about your experiences with relationships and life, but in songs like “Pressure, Pt.2” and “F— Love” you seem closed off to love, why is that?

TEESHYBABY: Love is powerful, love is draining but also something beautiful. I feel like my goal as an artist is to be real. I love when people can relate to my music. It brings a lot of joy to my heart. I feel like I’ve been through so much ups and downs that love is nothing to me. I’ve turned cold from it. You can try to love someone the right way, but they can turn around and love you the wrong way.

Q: You said in your press release that your room is your office and a lot of us can relate to the fact that once the door is closed and all the distractions are gone, you can get a lot done. Walk me through your songwriting and producing process for the EP. How do you get the lyrics to pop into your head? How do you find your melody

TEESHYBABY: I’m a stoner. I’ll smoke one up and then my brain starts getting creative. I also like working in the dark, it just puts me at the right state of mind to be emotionally ready to create. Once I hear the beat, all my melodies just come natural to me.


Q: I love how you start the songs off smoothly and slowly with a guitar or piano riff, and then the beat drops, which hits hard. What was your purpose for that?

TEESHYBABY: To be honest, I’ve never realized that. I just love soul type trap beats, they just hit me different.


Q: What artist do you see yourself doing a duet with and why?

TEESHYBABY: I don’t even put that idea in my head. My main goal is making it out of my city for my mother. I’m still trying to make a name for myself. Never thought about features until I accomplish my goal.

Q: What’s the story behind your stage name, TeeshyBaby?

TEESHYBABY: Well, this is going to be a funny one but all truthful. My mother actually calls me Teeshy and the women call me baby. TeeshyBaby.


Q: Who is your biggest supporter?

TEESHYBABY: My brothers. They’ve been through everything with me. That’s also one of the reasons why I go so hard. They’ve been there supporting me since 2019. That was the first time I dropped a music video for the world to see back in 2019. And until now, they’ve always (supported) in every video I’ve dropped. Loyalty is very important to me. And they’ve been there since high school, no one switched up and no one was jealous. Me making it in this game would be like me receiving a Grammy. Just something beautiful.


Q: Who is TeeshyBaby? What do you want the people to know about you?

TEESHYBABY: TeeshyBaby is a rising artist from Montreal, Canada, trying to find his name out of this city. I will always be real until the day that I die. I want to have an impact on the culture just like Tupac, someone that speaks real and people listen to but also has some gangster in him. I want to die a legend. I don’t want to be someone that’s here today and gone tomorrow. I want longevity.

Interviewed by Taylor Berry





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