“Favorite Boy” by Cate Tomlinson

Cate Tomlinson’s latest track “Favorite Boy” is an intoxicatingly confident song that will draw you in with incredible harmonies and flawless production. Showcasing the singer’s versatile voice that is both consistent and surprisingly dynamic, “Favorite Boy” is one of those unassuming tracks that will stay in your head long after the last word lingers.

With a glowing intro, Tomlinson’s voice enters with a laid-back, confident tone that showcases the singer’s beautifully textured and versatile delivery. A light beat floats beneath a chorus of mysterious harmonies as she sings “if you ever want to love me, we can never tell nobody”. The instrumentation builds with percussion and decorative synths that add a subtle throwback feel. The intensity of the track slowly increases effortlessly until you are submerged in its catchy, rhythmic vortex.

Originally from San Francisco, 20-year-old Cate Tomlinson is now based in Boston as she pursues her education as a Music Industry major at Northeastern University. With “Favorite Boy”, Tomlinson demonstrates her undeniable instinct for crafting complex songs in such a way that is cohesive and mesmerizing. With magnetic production, enveloping harmonies, and catchy melodies that will stay with you for days, “Favorite Boy” is a song that you’ll have no choice but to love.

Written by Katrina Charles



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