Artist Interview: “Alone (With the Wolves)” by Harp ‘n’ Quill

Q: This is the first song on the EP you are writing about the music industry in Nashville. What gave you inspiration to write an entire EP on that topic?

Spencer of Harp ‘n’ Quill:  I was living in Nashville when the songs were being written, and one day I realized that together they told an interesting story. Each is a little reflection on conversations I had, things I saw. The music will take us through the progression of musical styles in American pop culture while our main character grows and learns.


Q: I absolutely love your vocals and think they compliment the instrumental very well. Can you take me through your creative process in making this amazing song?

Spencer: Well Zimri is to thank for that – she is an absolute pro, and I am so thankful she has blessed this project with her talents. We started with lyrics that Zimri and I wrote together when we were working a gig together in Nashville. The lyrics were interpreted by our instrumentalists, Joe DuBois, Jake Singh, and Anthony Speros. The music was sent off to Zimri, and she sent us back vocal stems. Our producer Jake Vanaman put the pieces of the puzzle together!

Q: With you writing an entire EP on the music industry in Nashville, I’m interested in knowing how you feel the Internet has impacted the music business? Do you think it has a positive influence or negative?

Spencer: The internet has completely changed how we distribute and consume music. We are producing this EP to show one way it can be done, but with the development of high-quality, low-cost audio equipment, production software, and distribution services, there are so many ways that musicians and content creators can be pushing the boundaries from our bedroom studios. It is really exciting.


Q: If you were stranded on a desert island and could only take one song or album to listen to, what would it be?

Spencer: Europe ’72 by the Grateful Dead. It is polished but still has fun live improvisations; it has gentle moments balanced by some hardcore blues and rock.

Q: Do you remember when and why you began creating music?

Spencer: I’ve always been fascinated by studios and recording, but this will definitely go down as the first real piece of music I have created. Now time to get the rest out!


Q: What advice would you give to up and coming artists?

Spencer: Get the bad stuff out and iterate! The songs I’m working on now are two years in the making, but they wouldn’t be in production if I had never gotten those original shitty versions down on paper.

Interviewed by Melissa Cusano


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