Artist Interview: “Fall Apart” by Gabriel

Q: From the beginning you are sucked in by the guitar, what was your creative process in making “Fall Apart?”

GABRIEL: Fall Apart has been in the works for many years. I wrote most of the guitar 9 years ago, and the vocals were written a few years ago, and all that has kind of evolved and changed in little bits over the years.

Q: “Fall Apart” is a follow up to your other single “What a Shame, which has been, so far, your favorite song to play and why?

GABRIEL: I like to play them both because they are very different songs. The solo in Fall Apart is more challenging though, so I feel like as a guitar player that song pushes me more.

Q: You started all of this before COVID, what kind of advice would you give to other up and coming bands to not give up?

GABRIEL: Don’t forget the passion and to always be doing something that you enjoy.

Q: As a 17 year old, what do you do when you AREN’T working on music?

GABRIEL: During the school year a lot of my time is spent doing schoolwork, but I also carve out some time to work out everyday. Other than that it’s creating content for social media with music and writing.

Q: Gabriel is a recently formed band, what drew you to the music industry?

GABRIEL: I don’t think anybody gets into the music industry as a musician because they like the industry. I do it for the music. I really enjoy writing and getting to share those songs.

Q: If you didn’t become a musician, what would you be doing now?

GABRIEL: That’s a great question. I still have four more years of school left, so I’m still figuring out a plan B if music doesn’t work out.

Interviewed by Jaye Maverick




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