“Keeps Us Going” by Robby & the Secret

Rock music has always been a genre of bending the rules. Robby & the Secret’s single “Keeps Us Going” is no exception. With undeniable rock influences, it tells a story of hope and paints a soundscape that strays from a typical rock song. 

The heartbeat of the bass drum keeps the song chugging along as classic rock-inspired guitars explore a narrative of hope. Long strings support strong vocals as the song ebbs and flows. Creating an air of wanderlust comes easily as the harmonies make way for soft-spoken melodies. At no point is the story lost, creating a feeling almost more like an experience than just a song itself.

Strong steady chords from the piano are supported by long string drones while the electric guitar tells a story of its own. Settled alongside poetic lyrics, the solos provided keep the song feeling fresh throughout the entirety. At seven and a half minutes this is no easy task, yet the song manages to keep the listener hooked. It’s a challenge most artists shy away from, for fear of saying too much or just ending up boring. “Keeps Us Going” however, manages to remain interesting without getting wordy, everything was intentional and well thought out. 

Sounding almost like something out of a movie, Robby & the Secret stretches the creative bounds that many feel confined to. Telling a story that feels complete doesn’t come at the cost of the music. With a catchy hook and a band that supports the movement of the song, everything feels very complete and well said.

Written by Tyler Roberts



