Artist Interview: “Sick” by Jewls

Q: You have a beautiful voice, how long have you been singing and do you have any formal training?

JEWLS: First, thank you for your compliment! I took singing lessons over and over again, but never stayed with it consistently and had my first singing lesson when I was 13 years old. In addition to classical vocal exercises, we often practiced different songs by other artists, which made me realise very early, that I didn’t like to emulate others musically. Rather, that I just wanted to have my own ways to use my voice. But getting back to your question: Yes, I do vocal exercises, but (unfortunately) not as often as I should.


Q: Do you write your own songs or is there a collaborator that you enjoy working with consistency?

JEWLS: Just me.

Q: How would you describe your music in your own words?

JEWLS: Before „SICK“ came out, you could’ve categorize my music as „Sad-Pop-Ish“ with some electric influences. However, currently I’m aiming for something more moody and experimental. Over the last year I found a lot of pleasure in darker sounds and that is definitely where I am heading with current productions. That is also how „SICK“ emerged.


Q: Your dark pop/alt pop is quite a unique sound that we love! Who are some of your inspirations?

JEWLS: Thank you! I’ve been definitely most influenced by Agar Agar, ÄTNA and Sevdaliza.
All three of them created their own moody sound aesthetic. Also I admire how they’re playing with the listeners expectations in many songs. That is something I’m striving for myself.

Q: What can we expect from you next?

Dark, spheric soundscapes!


Interviewed by Stephanie Pankewich







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