
“Part Time Boyfriend” by Ellajay

New York-based singer-songwriter Ellajay knows what she wants and is not bashful about telling you how she is going to get it. Her new single, “Part Time Boyfriend,” is a love song for the present age, a portrait of an artist with no time for mucking about. No man children. No flakes. No Casanovas. She is willing to promote you to full time, but the application process will be rigorous. And she doesn’t deserve anything less. Time to fish or cut bait. 

Ellajay’s not-so-gentle insistence on commitment (neither too much or too little, of course), is chalk-full of amusing commentary on the increasingly ambiguous gradients of romantic relationships in the 21st century. And with such a commanding and powerful voice, her music certainly makes a statement. 

“Part Time Boyfriend” is a Neo-soul power ballad featuring fabulously low bass notes (you are going to want your headphones or a decent speaker), horns, electric guitar, chorus, and Ellajay’s stunning singing. Her crisp and percussive snapping doesn’t just carry musical potency, but is also an emphatic reminder to get with it.

The track is beautifully paced. Minimalistic sections heavily featuring vocals alternate with the full sound of brass and vocal chorus, a potent contrast. Ellajay’s own melodies work in perfect counterpoint with harmonizing voices. At no point can you help but sing along, particularly in the postlude when the instrumentals are dropped in favor of a handful of seemingly impromptu voices. Perhaps yours will be one of them. 

“Part Time Boyfriend” is available on all major streaming platforms. 

Written by Jacob Jahiel





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