Artist Interview: “Joy” by Alex Ohm

Q: Hey Alex Ohm thanks for coming on to Rising Artists. We have fallen in love with your new single “Joy” and think it’s a great song! Tell our audience on here more about you!

ALEX OHM: Hi guys! Thanks for having me! 

I’m a singer-songrwriter from Dudley, West Midlands in the UK. I fell into music after leaving Uni and starting a band with friends. It sort of snowballed from there and now music is a huge part of my life.
I now write an perform with an awesome group of friends and musicians: Ste , Han and Tom.



Q: Is there a personal story behind “Joy” and how did the song come into creation?

ALEX: Joy was written mid pandemic. It became quite apparent that media was pitting people against each other, and things were looking kind of ugly. I just wanted to write a song with a positive message. ‘I don’t wanna be your anchor, I wanna be your buoy!” is my favourite lyric from the song. The notion of supporting each other; picking people up, instead of putting them down is the message I really wanted to convey.

Q: Do you write your own songs or is there a collaborator that you enjoy working with consistency?

ALEX: I write my own songs. I’ll usually write them and demo them before taking them to the band where they’ll add their magic. I’m always up for collaborating though if there’s anybody out there that would like to.




Q: Your songs are familiar and have a very popular sound that we love. Who or what inspired you to make music?

ALEX: I grew up in a house that was always playing an eclectic range of music. My Dad is a big music fan. He was always listening to music and playing his guitar. He had a large, Amstrad, four track recorder that first intrigued me. It gave me an insight as to how music could be recorded and built up, track by track.




Q: What made you want to become a musician?

ALEX: As I said before, it sort of happened by accident. I never set out with intensions of being a musician but the more I played, the more I enjoyed it. It brought out a confidence in me that I’d never had before. From there it snowballed and new opportunities came, and I ended up touring the UK as well as Austria, Russia, Canada, New York and Texas. It’s been a truly magnificent experience so far. I’ve met some brilliant people along the way too.



Q: What is coming up next for you?

ALEX: We have a lot of shows coming up through 2021 which we are all looking forward to very much!
There’s new music on the way too so keep your eyes, and ears, peeled for that.
We’re excited to start writing again and getting tracks ready for a bigger body of work. We’ll head into the studio later in the year and hopefully have that ready for you next year! Watch this space…



Interviewed by Stephanie Pankewich






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