Artist Interview: “Paris” by Audrie Powell

Q: I love the storytelling of “Paris.” Could you tell me more about the
the story behind this song?

AUDRIE POWELL: My songs are not always about what’s happening in my life in the current moment but they could be about something that has happened in the past or sometimes even something I feel is relatable but has never happened to me. Paris is a great example of a song that was current to my life and very at the moment. When Paris was made my boyfriend and I sat down to write this song. It started with a beat that then turned into a melody and last the words. The word honestly formed on their own from the connection we were sharing for example the lyric “Feel like I can see the future you can see it too”. Sometimes words are the easy part of a song when the connection and vibe are right.

Q:  What does the city “Paris” symbolize?

POWELL: This song to me is a love song and Paris has always been the city of love. I thought it was a creative name for a love song.

Q:  What inspired the creation of this song?

MURO: I feel like I kind of answered this question in question 1 but my boyfriend and I writing this together inspired the theme and words of this song.

Q: I absolutely love your style and the way you sing. Could you tell me
more about your influences?

POWELL: Some of my favorite artists are Ryan Trey, Brent faiyaz, summer walker, and kehlani.

Q:   Who is on your heavy repeat list right now?

POWELL: I don’t listen to albums very often but I do listen to a lot of singles and my current favorite songs are Rollin – Ryan Trey, interference – Tems, falling – BLXST.

Q:  Are you currently working on something exciting?

POWELL: I have a lot of music ready to go and now I’m just planning the release.

Interviewed by Katrina Yang


