
“Ain’t No Place To Hide” by Craig Gould

“Educate your mind” 

One line that speaks volumes about well, just about every facet of our everyday life as we’ve become a society that scrolls past headlines and never takes the time to dive into what anything means. While we could take this as this or that, “Ain’t No Place To Hide” was inspired by the mental health of Craig Gould, or rather the decline of. He took the depths of those moments and spun them into a song he hopes can help others who are struggling around the world. 

Mental health has increased in conversation, but unfortunately, it’s also increased in the number of people struggling with various issues since March 2020. With constant dire news on our timelines and being confused and afraid of what may happen next, yeah – mental health overall took a dive. Craig Gould knows all too well what being in a state like that can do to a person, so he pulled from the depths of his inner war, and penned a rambunctious folk song that lends itself to be an audible friend to lean on. 

“Ain’t No Place To Hide” is one of those songs that while it is rooted in a serious topic, can and will bring joy to those who listen – especially live. This song was meant for the stage, meant to be sung alongside friends and strangers in a room where music is a much-appreciated escape from the realities waiting outside the venue.

Craig Gould has partnered with CALM (Campaign Against Living Miserably) and is giving all the profits made from his debut single to this wonderful organization. “Ain’t No Place To Hide” is available now on all major music and streaming platforms, and will be on his debut album that shares the same name due out in Spring 2022. 

Written by Kendra Beltran

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