Photo Credit: Electropolis Studios

Everyone can sing but it’s always up for debate who can sing well. You know, I can belt out anything in the car on a long trip but that doesn’t mean I’ll tour the world. I’m far from the vocal elegance Yannon possesses. That, now that is someone who can sing well…more than well. Her voice is as enchanting as the pages bound between the covers of a fairy tale. It carries an emotional weight with it, and her latest, “Cohesion” steps up to the plate to highlight just what wonders can be found on her debut album of the same name.

Yannon didn’t hold back with her debut, and the title track is proof of that. A pristine debut represented well, “Cohesion” delivers strong vocals encased in graceful arrangements that are emotive and representative of what this music teacher and singer-songwriter was feeling when she sat down to create her introduction to the world. Reminiscent of what Sarah McLachlan did in the ‘90s and Anna Nalick in the ‘00s, Yannon gives way to a spirited look inside a facet of the human experience; the unpredictability nature of love. 

When faced with the reality of loneliness, Yannon often filled that voice with writing music. Now the St. Louis-based artist is ready to share all that spawned from those times alone, with fans who enjoy their indie-pop music with some funk, as heard in other poignant moments on the album; “Robin” and “Summer Baby.” You can hear those, “Cohesion” and more on Yannon’s new album, available now on all major music and streaming platforms.

Written by Kendra Beltran