
“Prose” by Swivvel

When it comes to Swivvel, the indie band from Miami, there are a few things I’ve come to expect. High energy vocals, a groovy instrumental, and passionate performances from each member are just a few of the things the band consistently delivers. “Prose”, their latest release, is no exception. This dreamy song is exciting and shows off Swivvel in all of its glory.


Something I always find impressive is how right the rhythm section always sounds. Through the different moods and movements, they consistently support one another. Whether providing support for the cool vocals or helping smooth a transition their dedication to the groove of the song was astounding.

Whenever the chorus came around everything seemed to lock together and soar. The whole atmosphere became excited and the band sounded bigger. Despite the flood of energy, the band keeps their laid-back relaxed style. Vocals manage to command the different moods without ever feeling like they’re trying hard. The dreamy atmosphere gives them a personable tone making them sound almost whimsical at points.

Having reviewed their debut (https://risingartistsblog.com/2021/06/16/parlor-trick-by-swivvel/), it has been awesome to see Swivvel expand and deepen their sound. “Prose” was everything that makes them unique, while still exploring new sounds for the group. This phenomenal release will put a smile on your face, and cheer up even the bleakest of moods. Between the consistent high-quality releases and introspective, yet personable lyricism “Prose” is sure to find itself on your rotation for months to come.

“Prose” by Swivvel is available now on any major streaming services.


Written by Tyler Roberts





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