“Two Dollar Coat” by Brick Blair

In a time when many were struggling to keep food on their table and a roof over their head due to a global crisis in which help was hard to find, the fear of losing one’s security was looming overhead. Brick Blair took one aspect of that and spun it into a tale about a man caught in thought about something that many ponder in his latest, “Two Dollar Coat.”

Capturing the everyday humanity in people is something Brick Blair has proven to be gifted in doing with his previous release, “On The Zooms.” Now he’s back with another song that delivers that straightforward singer-songwriter we’ve come to expect from him. At his core, Brick Blair is a storyteller and in one he laments about a man who wonders what his reality would be like if every day he woke up without a home to walk into at the end of the day. Of course, there’s more to the story as Blair unravels the layer of the other side of this thought, and humanity, would anyone care or offer a helping hand if in said situation? 

“Two Dollar Coat” is the latest and third single from Brick Blair that blends picturesque stories with a folk meets demure Americana spirit that’s a delight, especially for those who are fans of everyone from The Lumineers to Bob Dylan. “Two Dollar Coat” is another look inside the here and now of everyday people, and to hear that and more from Brick Blair – check him out on all major music and streaming sites today. 

Written by Kendra Beltran

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