“Painting Houses” by Alex Spinney

One of the coolest parts of music is how many different emotions it can evoke. Whether it’s an upbeat, catchy tune that stays stuck in your head for weeks, or a powerful song that redefines your definition of beauty, there’s music for that mood. On “Painting Houses”, the newest release from the London-based singer/songwriter Alex Spinney he easily strikes a balance between catchy lyricism and raw beauty. Delicate piano pairs beautifully with Alex Spinney’s warm vocals. The atmospheric instrumental layered overtop gives everything a nostalgic, rose-tinted glasses type of feel. Deeply emotional and powerful, the easy-going melodies paired beautifully with the harmonies of the instrumentals and backing vocals alike.

What made “Painting Houses” stand out was its versatility. The quiet, almost a cappella parts felt as emotional as the most powerful sections. Raw and brutally honest, Spinney did a phenomenal job capturing the crushing feeling of heartbreak. I loved how the texture thinned and thickened as the song went on. It embodied the beauty and complicated emotions perfectly, while keeping everything gorgeous to listen to. 

Defined by the cool vocals, the whole song was surprisingly light and easy to listen to despite the content matter of the lyrics. Not only did they invoke the emotions that naturally come with singing about love, but did so in a way that makes you feel intimately involved. Almost like a close friend venting about a relationship and their struggles, you find yourself cheering for a happy conclusion. When it’s all said and done, Spinney manages to effortlessly put you in his shoes and share the experience in a way that makes you feel his pain. “Painting Houses” was a delight to listen to, and another great addition to Alex Spinney’s growing discography.

“Painting Houses” by Alex Spinney is available now on any major streaming services.


Written by Tyler Roberts



