“Possibly” by Desmond Parson

Desmond Parson is an artist born in Washington D.C., the artist you see before you today started playing music at the age of 10. He started playing piano melodies that was taught to him by his uncle, as he got older he started joining singing groups then eventually started his own band. Desmond says that his style is creation all on his own, it’s a sort of mixture that consists of R&B and neo-soul.

“Possibly” is the single from the latest EP release from Desmond, “Resolution”. The single brings a playful yet sexy vibe, it makes you want to grab your partner and do some slow dancing. “Possibly” has some jazzy undertones to it with unique vocals from Desmond. His smooth quiet vocals are still somehow jazzy and upbeat.

Before you know it, you’ll be bobbing your head, snapping your fingers and trying to sing along. Desmond brings a more emotional element to the table the beat simmer downs and he just hits the vocals hard. It made you feel it in your soul.

Desmond Parson is an artist that you want to keep your eye on, R&B has changed over the years and it’s nice when artist such as Desmond proves why R&B should stay alive. “Possibly” is a must listen to song, you will regret it if you don’t.

Written by Jaye Maverick

Photo Credits: Desmond Parson & Robbin Reeder




Official Website