“11:01” by Zeta Zeroes

You can’t help but to admire a solo artist, it shows the dedication to want to be something great despite everyone else. Bill R aka Zeta Zeroes does it all, production, mixing, he writes all his songs, plays the bass and guitar, he also does percussion and drum programming. Zeta does quite a lot but he also has help from a few people, Eric Hochwald of Moon Machine was a co producer and Jack Control of Enormous Door did the mastering.

“11:01” is the debut album from the Washington, D.C artist, you got to see a peek of who he is with his first single “Toxic Rob”. This track features drummer Uria Mader who provided the intro, Zeta Zeroes also had help on another track “Thank You, Westerfield Bros & Co.” which features The Escape Goats on the outro.

True to his heavy punk/metal roots, “The New Influence” instantly smacks you in the face with its heaviness. Zeta Zeroes has given you a reason to “open up the pit”, the mosh worthy song has a more metal vibe to you and the screams get you deep in your spine. You get the opportunity to carry this feeling over into “Toxic Rob”.

Hopefully you still have some energy in you, “Black Friday” sounds exactly like how this “holiday” is..chaotic. Except with the song it’s a good kind of chaotic, it’s the hardest hitting track on the EP. Zeta Zeroes is proving to you why they’ll be the next best punk band.

These are the kind of tracks that you want to play while you at the skatepark..or beating up a baby. That last part is a joke but it does give you energy to do things you haven’t done before, it makes you want to go out there and conquer your day.

“Thank You, Westerfield Bros & Co.” is no different than the rest of the EP, it’s hard and heavy and makes you want to mosh. All in all Zeta Zeroes has presented you with an authentic punk album that you can’t get enough of.

Written by Jaye Maverick



