Sarantos is a unique personality in the current music scene. He commits to releasing a new song and lyric video every single month, and he’s also a prolific writer and radio host among many other endeavors. 

If you think this would make his work come off as sounding low-production or rushed, you’re wrong.  Sarantos’s latest single “I Wish” opens straight away with a textured and booming electronic soundscape, that only grows with the powerful vocals. The lyrics are relatable and not at all cryptic, refraining “I wish I was happy, I wish I was free. I wish I was happy, I wish I wasn’t me.” Who hasn’t felt these things at least on occasion? The simplicity of the lyrics makes this 80s sounding pop anthem easy to sing along to. 

Of course, what contributes even more to the singalong quality of “I Wish” is the incredibly catchy melody. It’s not a light summer jam by any means— in fact, everything from the tonality to the lyrics is quite heavy feeling, with some emo/punk vibes seeping through. But the melody makes this tune an absolute banger, swelling with textured harmonies and explosive key modulations. 

Lucky for listeners who really want to sing along, there is an accompanying lyric video. The video fits the vibe of the song, as it flips through photos with compelling visual effects. If you somehow need more incentive to check out this great new single, at the end of the video Sarantos tells viewers that “Because a wish experience can be a game-changer for a child with a critical illness, a percentage of profits generated from this song will be donated to Make-A-Wish.” 

Reviewed by Maya Merberg

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