
“Opposite Poles” by Dream of a Man in a Top Hat

This isn’t your first time here, in fact, this is probably at least the third review you are about to read about Dream of a Man in a Top Hat. Lee Leffler (guitars, keyboards, vocals, lyrics) and Michael Frackleton (drums, bass, percussion, keyboards, vocals, lyrics) comprise the duo Dream of a Man in a Top Hat. The Boston-based duo released “Opposite Poles” back in September and it does not disappoint.

“Opposite Poles” is the latest in a series of singles by the Dream of a Man in a Top Ha, they consider themselves to be a psychedelic/post-punk/alt-rock duo. The trippy track will make your head spin, it’s eclectic and unique, one thing about DOAMIATH is that they make music unlike anybody else. It’s not easy to make music like this duo.

Do yourself a favor and listen to more than just “Opposite Poles”, you’ll come to realize that they can produce more than just one good song. In no time you’ll be a fan of Dream of a Man in a Top Hat, their songs have a way of hypnotizing you. You will be in a trance as you listen to the music they have released, don’t get fomo and just click play on DOAMIATH.

Written by Jayé Maverick





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