“Beat Confabulator (All Night on the Floor)” by Alec Berlin

Today is an amazing day! Why is that? Simply because Alec Berlin has come out with a new song and I have the pleasure of reviewing it! For those that don’t know, Alec Berlin is an amazing guitarist that I’ve had the pleasure of reviewing beforehand. I loved the other songs that I reviewed, but do I feel the same about his song, “Beat Confabulator (All Night on the Floor)”? The answer is… yes, I love this song!

Yeah, I very much enjoy this song! As I said before, Alec Berlin is a guitarist, so this track is purely instrumental once again. I’m always surprised at how Alec changes up his sound ever so slightly. He doesn’t do it to the point where he’s unrecognizable, but he keeps you on your toes for sure. 

In this song, he changes things up by having a bit more of an old school vibe to it. It almost feels like an homage to the best of 80s rock and a slight nod to Prince, which earns so many points in my book!

The song starts out with this awesome intro, where you only hear a couple of notes, and then Alec begins to shred. It’s so cool! I love how Alec went for that old school intro, it makes you feel that you are in for something different and amazing.

I’ve talked a lot about how Alec’s music invokes different feelings depending on the song. This one is no different, but it definitely is a different approach than what I’ve reviewed from him before! With his other songs, there was a relaxed vibe, but “Beat Confabulator” has a big party feeling to it! Listening to it, I feel as if I’m smack dab in the middle of a giant night club and I can’t stop dancing.

Alec Berlin is one of my favorite musicians out right now, y’all. Everything he does manages to innovate, he knows how to set the tone with his guitar, and most importantly: he knows how to tell a story through instruments alone. Nearing the end of the song, he goes back to the familiar tone of music that we hear from him, and I think that’s perfect storytelling. It’s as if he’s saying, “I hope y’all had fun at the club, but it’s time to go home”. Genius!

If I say anything else, I’ll just be giving the song away, and I don’t want to do that. Check out, “Beat Confabulator (All Night on the Floor)” by Alec Berlin, you won’t regret the listen!

Written by Marcus Norris



