
“What Mothers Do” by Ray Van D, Philippe M

Ray Van D and Philippe M. come together to create this heartfelt track, made just for mothers and fathers. “What Mothers Do” is reminiscent of a swaying 80’s track, we can envision ourselves holding our lighters up in the air and holding our hearts because there is pure appreciation in the lyrics and we love every moment.

“What Mothers Do” is a song that can be heard all year around, especially for those that are thankful for their mothers and want to express that more than one time a year. Ray and Philippe collaborate to form this track and display how important mothers are and the role that they play.

We think a major fact to point out here is that this track shows great significance to fathers as well. It is rare that songs are dedicated to both parents, especially bringing up fathers, as most of the time, they are overlooked.

This is one of the several ways that Ray and Philippe spread joy through their music, sharing all sides, and making it known that parents should be more appreciated. This duo has accomplished something that is hardly done, written a song for parents and made it memorable.

Make sure you follow Ray and Philippe on their socials to find out what they are creating next.

Our personal favorite line: “Love has no reason why.” & “I always knew you protected me/ from the coldness of the world/ the older I get the more I see/ how much your love is worth”

Reviewed by Demornay Bester

