“Under My Skin” by Jeremy Aaron

With a blend of honesty and novelty, Philly based artist Jeremy Aaron has released his new single “Under My Skin,” available everywhere now. What makes this release significant is it is Aaron’s first time experimenting with synths. Growing up in the folk world and playing at the Philly Folk Fest, Aaron decided it was time to evolve his sound and see where it takes him.

“Under My Skin” leads with Aaron’s rich, sultry vocals. The singer cites Hozier as an inspiration, and it certainly comes across in Aaron’s vocal style and blunt yet metaphorical lyric writing. What sets this song apart as well is how much of a hand Aaron played in it, producing the track and playing every instrument but the drums. He is able to showcase exactly what he is feeling in his heart and translate it to song.

When talking about his songwriting approach for this song he shared, “I usually veer more toward metaphor, but this song is about as blunt as it gets. It’s about feeling blue.”

“I feel blue under my skin,” Aaron sings and it echoes throughout the chorus. The sound matches satisfyingly, with a bluesy tone to Aaron and the production that surrounds him.

Overall, Aaron has a clear vision of what he wants to get across in his production, songwriting, and artistry. He is able to blend all his influences and create this rich, deep new sound. So if you have not heard “Under My Skin” be sure to give it a listen now!

Written by Katie Power



