“Oh mi da dey di” by Jeff Vidov

Hailing from Canada, musician, and composer Jeff Vidov has been has been tirelessly perfecting his sound for the past several decades. A true artist to his core, he has a way of teaching others to fall in love with music all over again through every song he architects and hopes to spread his infectious air of optimism and positivity with each release. His newest single “Oh mi da dey di” continues in this fashion and serves as nothing short of an elating addition to his legacy. 

The piece begins with an abundance of energy as hard-hit piano cords accompany the passionately sung and philosophical opening line “We know what we are, but know not what we may be.” The song continues with a cheerful sensibility throughout. Characterized by the artist’s resonant and flowing vocals, we truly feel the intentions of the music all the way until it culminates in the titular line of the track “To know one’s self is to see, my heart sings oh mi da dey di.”

Throughout the song, the percussion punctuates the artist’s vocals, adding a sense of intensity and danceability to its overall spirit. The energy anyone could derive from this music is palpable and nothing short of a celebration of not being able to keep a feeling of joy inside any longer.

The piece shares similarities with other heroes of the feel-good pop scene such as Bleachers and blends a sense of 80s cheerfulness with a modern sensibility. A single that sets the tone for the beginning of summer, it is sure to be an anthem of good times for seasons to come.

Written by Nick Gumas





Supported by Musosoup #SustainableCurator