“Constellations” by Benny Fisher

Self-produced English singer-songwriter Benny Fisher has launched his musical credibility into the stratosphere this past week with the release of his latest and cosmic-themed single “Constellations.” The newest addition to his discography, the record fits right into his wheelhouse of excellence, featuring a mix of acoustic and retro synth, culminating in an ideal feel-good jam to kick off the summer.

The piece begins with great intensity and creates a similar style of elation one would get from listening to the music of the Summer of Love. Fisher wastes no time in developing the narrative as he builds the world of his song from the opening line “The girl upstairs and the sky above, she keeps her heart in a cloud of love.”

The lyrics serve to remind us of just how much greater the universe is than what is in front of us on earth. The artist muses on the beauty of the natural design of our night sky, amorously singing “Picking out constellations out of the starry night, picking out Venus and Mars,” prompting detailed imagery of the wonders of our galaxy, and accurately assigning a musical soundtrack to the feeling of staring out into the great beyond of the cosmos on a seasonably warm evening.

All the while, lovely aural accouterments are layered into the track throughout the piece. Reminding us that this song is truly out of this world, the woosh of a passing spaceship can be heard in the background at one point, setting the tone and helping the listener sink deeper into a mellow mood.

Written by Nick Gumas





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