
“Cowards” by Casual Americans

Athens, Georga-based Indie Rock outfit Casual Americans are no strangers to the spotlight. With decades of professional musical experience between the individual members, their work reflects their proficiency, influences, and everything in between. Since forming in early 2020, they have done their due diligence in curating their unique sound and at long last celebrate the release of their first full-length and self-titled album. Highlighting the record is their uplifting and danceable single, “Cowards.” 

Featuring a unique brand of stylistic excellence reminiscent of the golden age of 90s and early 2000s rock, the single inspires an enthusiasm for life all while delivered in a calming demeanor. As the percussion counts the band in, the group erupts in a chorus of optimistic tunes and accompanies the opening line “Do we have to stop? Do we want to start a war? Because I might be a coward.”

The whole piece has a comforting familiarity to it that is also uniquely Casual American’s own, and their passion for their craft shines through with every note they play. Inspired by a generation of music from a simpler time, the band has made some welcome adjustments to this style of music that fell from the radio far too soon and found a way to create something that is easy to digest, but by no means one-dimensional. The end result is a tune that features a cheerfully rhythmic flow and a melodic sensibility that deserves to be enjoyed on a sunny day. With this first release gathering momentum, we can only wait with anticipation to see where this project will go next.

Written by Nick Gumas





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