“Pink Suitcase” by GHSTFLSH

Launching a refreshing sound and a danceable beat, GHSTFLSH has released their new single “Pink Suitcase” from their upcoming album, you found me, like music from another room. GHSTFLSH is the project of music veteran Brad Byram. Bryam has spent decades producing and performing, recalling falling in love with music after late Saturday nights of MTV.

“Pink Suitcase” has a timeless feel, blending nostalgia with modern like critically acclaimed albums 1989 and Future Nostalgia, GHSTFLSH takes something old and weaves in something entirely new. This song encompasses self-reflection, realizing it’s not an external problem, but an internal one.

His pop flavored rock allowed synths to shine through alongside rough electric guitars and Byram’s big full vocals.

Overall, the production is energizing and fun, while lyrically it tackles something completely deeper. Songwriting like that is certainly a gem worth highlighting and GHSTFLSH’s upcoming album is a must check out!

Written by Katie Power



