
“Suspicion“ by Wesley Harper

Singer-songwriter Wesley Harper’s new track, “Suspicion,” is a dynamic and slow-burning masterpiece. It features a unique blend of sounds, from the melancholy instrumental to Harper’s distinctive, autotuned vocals, creating a listening experience that is truly one-of-a-kind. The song takes the listener on a journey through many highs and lows, mirroring the ever-changing emotions one goes through in life.

“Suspicion” is the first single from Harper’s highly anticipated upcoming album, titled “Fun Pain,” which promises to be as unique and spacey as “Suspicion.” The track begins quietly, spotlighting Harper’s vocals while the melodic tune is softly played on the keys in the background. As the song continues, the instrumental and vocals become more powerful and robust. The once subtle keys become a driving force in the music, eventually becoming a sonic guitar and piano-driven track. The song returns to a quiet close toward the end with a cohesive and smooth conclusion.

Wesley Harper, along with Dylan Nowik on drums, is responsible for the vocals and all instruments on “Suspicion.” The song was recorded and produced by Jon Notar at Elbow Room Recording in Saugerties, New York, a testament to the collaborative effort that went into creating this unique piece of music.

Photo Credit: Stephanie Ibarra

Written by Melissa Cusano


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